Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Straw That Broke The Camels Back

I've been told time and time again that I should start a blog. Not only did I think that this was a crazy idea, but I never thought I would have the time. I also had way too many ideas that I would want to blog about. Movie Reviews, Book Reviews, Being a new Mommy. So I'm just going to write about things that are imperative to my lifestyle, at the moment, and more specifically whats going on in my life at that moment.
Okay ... so here I go ... 

First of all, I'm Kate. I have a degree in Elementary Education, and a Masters in Literacy Education. What am I doing with that degree you may ask? WELL, about 5 months after I got married on 11.11.11, to my Greg, I found out I was pregnant with one of the loves of my life. My Katalina Michele. So I became a mommy. I NEVER, in my wildest dreams thought I could be so in love with a tiny little person who is MY WORLD... So feel free to enjoy many a blog about my peanut, cookie love.

I think I'll share the 'straw that broke the camels back' (I never understood that saying) or as to why I officially decided to start a blog. A couple of weeks ago a friend emailed me and asked me "The hardest parts and best parts of being a mommy." My response was not simple but this ... 

"     If I could tell you anything ... baby blues are normal don't be surprised if they do happen and remember the reason why your crying for NO reason is because your hormones are regulating. i remember that first week crying every time i thought of Greg going back to work! they GO away and its completely normal! The first 2 weeks were the hardest, and I let her make her own schedule and get on her own routine.. not everyone does this... it was easy for me because I wasn't going back to work anytime soon... once we got through that first month it was like everything fell into place and it started to come more natural! do what you feel is right! everyone will give you their advice and its up to you what you take!
     One of my favorite mommy moments was after I had her, that first night, every time they brought her from the nursery I was SO excited every time i saw that tiny face... the hardest part for me was breast feeding...
I was gung ho my ENTIRE pregnancy and then I come to find out I have flat nipples... UHM WHO KNEW?! They looked normal to me! So that first latch was perfect and then every time after not so perfect and a fight and struggle. I did it for a week and then I was beside myself. I was so exhausted and dealing with a bit of the blues and then came to find out ( I had a c section ) I had a pocket of fluid and infection behind my section. That was my reasoning for stopping. So then I started to give her formula, and she did a complete 180. She started sleeping through the night she was more content and she had gotten the colostrum she needed.
     I felt guilty at first and then I realized okay, this is no ones choice but my own and my body is so messed up at this point and it was the best choice for both of us. The best parts are watching her hit her mile stones. Each day is different and even more special. I fall in love with her all over again! being a mother is the best part of being a mommy! I was PETRIFIED while they were taking her out, i kept thinking... oh my god. am i going to be able to do this? and then I saw her... and I knew... of course i can... I always wondered why people were so crazy about their kids, and now that I have my own I understand why. She is MY WORLD.   "

My friend said she was moved by what I said and thought I should share it with the world ... So thus... the blog.

Okay I think that's enough for tonight... I am so excited to write about my new journey, and also to share many a creative thought that randomly BLASTS into my mind.